Él la miraba fijamente a los ojos, un nudo en la garganta, le costaba tragar.

Ella, tímidamente, subía y bajaba la mirada del refresco a su rostro, con rubor en las mejillas.

Una bonita escena de amor, pensaríamos.

Un episodio más de la crisis, en realidad. 

Ambos recontaban disimuladamente las pocas monedas de sus bolsillos. 

¿Tendré suficiente? ¿podré invitar hoy? - se preguntaban.

He looked into her eyes. Felt a lump in his throat and hardly could swallow his milksahke.

She shyly, looked up and down from her drink to his face. Her pretty face was beggining to blush.

A beautiful love scene, you would think.

Actually, an episode of the recession. Both were secretly counting once and again the few coins the had in their pockets. 

Will I have enough? Can I invite today? - They wondered.