Cuando llegó a casa sólo era una bolita rosa. Piggy llegó a ser mi gran compañero de juegos, mi mejor amigo y todo mi mundo.

Una tarde al volver del colegio Piggy no estaba, mis padres me dijeron que se había ido volando.

Me disgusté tanto que me pasé toda la semana llorando. Aún recuerdo que ese día mi madre me preparó un plato especial para intentar consolarme. Las costillas con salsa barbacoa siempre han sido mi comida favorita.


When Piggy got home it was just a pink fluffy ball. Right away it became my great playmate, my best friend and my whole world.

One afternoon, on returning from school, Piggy was gone. My parents told me that he had flown away.

I grieved so much that I spent all week crying. I still remember, that day, my mother prepared a special dish to try to comfort me. 

The ribs with barbecue sauce always have been my all times favorite food.