Cuando llegó a la fiesta ya había comenzado el baile.

Enseguida lo vio, allí estaba, con su porte aristocrático y sus maneras de donjuán. Se acercó a él no sin cierta desazón, esta vez exigiría explicaciones y tendría que dárselas.

- ¿Dónde has estado todos estos meses?

-  Mi amor, si ya no te llamo, no dudes ni por un momento... que es porque no quiero.


When she arrived to the party, dancing had already started.

She saw him straight away. There he was, with his aristocratic air and his delicate manners. 

She approached him and although feeling quite unease, this time she would request an explanation and he will have to give it to her.

- Where have you been all this time?

- My love… If I don’t call you any more, please don´t you doubt, even for a moment, that’s because I just don’t feel like.