Fausto era un marino experto, había navegado por los mares del norte, del sur, del este y del oeste, se había enfrentado a corsarios y piratas, tormentas e icebergs, todos le admiraban y respetaban.

Sin embargo, cuando acababa su jornada, rendido de cansancio, se sentaba en la proa del barco y soñaba con merluzas y bogavantes, a él le hubiera gustado ser un simple pescador.


Fausto was an experienced sailor. Sailed the North, the South, the East and the West seas. He has gone through great hardships and faced cruel pirates, great storms and giant icebergs. Everyone admired and respected Fausto.

Every evening, when he has finished his working day, Fausto sits in the bow of the ship and dreams of hake and lobsters. 

He would have liked to be a simple fisherman.